Thursday, August 09, 2012

Paint Drips

I'm back! It was definitely relaxing having the week off to do nothing! One of the major events was teaching the boyfriend how to dive... let's just say he'll be competing in Rio 2016 ;) Here's a photo of his "5 star" belly flo... I mean dive.

But now I'm back, and I have a lot of posts for you! Here's a little post on how to do paint drips! They're really easy and look really cool.

I started off with a plain nail, no colour, just a base coat! You can see my nails got a lot shorter being at the cottage...

For my drips I decided to use Misa Nail Art Gold Rush, and then China Glaze Shocking Pink  as an accent nail. To make the pink stand out more, I put a base colour of Stripe Rite White. To get the drippy look I first outlined the drip, and then coloured it in.

I then added Misa Nail Art Viva Las Vegas to make the gold look 3D, as if it's actually flowing down my finger nail, and I added the pink, with little white lines to make it look 3D as well. The pink looks more cartoon like.

Finsh off with your favourite top coat of course, and voila! Your nails will look like you just dipped them in paint.

Thanks for reading!

Lots of love,
Mackenzie xox

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