Saturday, August 25, 2012


I've been thinking about doing Cats for awhile now, and the girls who work at Hallmark with me all have a slight cat obsession...

I decided to do 5 different cats. I used OPI Apline Snow, OPI A-Taupe the Space Needle, OPI In My Back Pocket, Xtreme Wear Black Out and Rimmel London Grey scale. I started off by drawing the shapes of cat heads on my nails.

Next I used my Stripe Rite nail arts in Black and white to add little faces on to each cat. I'm not sure why, but the cats on my right had look really drunk... this is why I only posted my left hand. I added pink to the insides of their ears and a tuff of colour on their heads!
Finish off with your favourite top coat, and voila!

Also this week, I have a guest photo. You may or may not know him, but Rahul Rallan (motocross super star or the biggest weirdo ever) has quite the talent when it comes to doing his nails.

Yup, he's going to make it big.

ALSO one last thing, I'd like to thank you all for helping me hit 10,000 views on my blog! I appreciate all of you so much. Here's to the next 10,000!

Thanks for reading,

Lots of love,
Mackenzie xox

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